During tire production, laser lines mark the correct position of the rubber strips on the drum.

Three lasers are typically used: One for the center lines and two more for the outer lines, which are moved in opposite directions depending on the width of the tire. Green line lasers provide much better visibility, especially on black rubber.
The exact alignment of the lasers is particularly important. For this purpose we recommend the precision mountings MXYZ as well as H6 and H8 developed by Z-LASER with and for the tire industry.

The exact alignment of the lasers is important. We recommend precision brackets MXYZ as well as H6 or H8.

Special Uses:

  • Precise positioning of laser lines
  • Perfect visual recognition of laser lines
  • Protection of employees’ eyes (Laser Class 1M)


  • High production quality
  • Minimal waste
  • Time-saving

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